
Insert Leg Command


For paths:
insert leg <number> into <path> [with <startPoint | endPoint> <x,y>] Applies to paths


The insert leg command creates a new leg and moves all existing legs "forward" in the path. For example, if you insert leg 3, then the existing leg 3 becomes leg 4, leg 4 becomes leg 5, etc. The startpoint of the (number+1) leg, if it exists, is then automatically set to be the endpoint of the new leg number. There must be at least number-1 existing legs, otherwise an error is raised. When adding a leg to a path, one point is always determined by the point of insertion, since the leg will be connected to another existing leg, leaving one point to be optionally specified by the developer. The new leg has as its startpoint the endpoint of the (number-1) leg and uses the optionally specified endpoint, or else selects the midpoint of the former leg number as its default endPoint. To specify the endpoint, rather than accepting the default you would type: insert leg <number> into <path> with endPoint <x,y> where the leg number is greater than 1. If you are inserting a new leg number 1, then the endPoint is determined by the startPoint of the old leg 1, now leg 2, and you have the option of specifying the startPoint:
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.